Jakarta: Smart City Within the National Capital
Jakarta is known for its complex fields of technology and science. Especially in an era like today, we cannot be separated from technology and science, you know. Especially for urban areas. Well, did you know that Jakarta is one of the wisest cities in Indonesia that has applied technology in their daily lives?
Many people may wonder what technology is applied to Jakarta, which is the capital city of Indonesia. Therefore, if you’re still interested, see the cooperation video involving brilio.net as well as the Hutata (Questioning Rain) station entitled”Just How Smart is Jakarta Smart City? (Brilio X Cable Issue Marks)”.
Ah, just for a suggestion. The Hutata channel is run by a group of young diaspora whose aim is to increase people’s love of mathematics and engineering. The presentation has been gently packaged for you to understand. What is clear, after seeing this station, your mind will be filled with countless questions that keep you constantly asking questions.
So recently, the Hutata team took a look at the Jakarta Smart City Lounge. In this place, the elegance of communication and information technology is combined with a web of trust to make Jakarta brighter. From the tracking room, all actions in Jakarta can be monitored in the control center, you understand. They are starting from traffic jams, floods, to street vendors. It’s cool, right?
“If there is criticism from the general public, we can immediately track it (tracking room),” explained the Head of IT Development for Jakarta Smart City, Prasetyo, Andy Wicaksono.
What technology does Jakarta use as a smart city? Here are nine technology improvements in Jakarta that you can watch at Brilio Video Indonesia station in collaboration with all Hutata channels.
- Public
If there is a complaint in the neighborhood, the progress can be tracked immediately. Therefore, don’t worry that your criticism will be ignored. I answered right away. What is clear is that criticism needs photos, yes. No more hoax photos.
- Transportation and Congestion
Now you can find out about modes of transportation such as TransJakarta and traffic jams. Is it true that traffic jams have become a daily meal in Jakarta?
- Property Rates
It is even possible to understand the cost of costly and most affordable property in Jakarta in almost any place. For your information, today the most expensive property in Jakarta is in Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD). Per square meter reached Rp 236 million. Yes, even if you imagine one square meter would equal a safety post.
- Food Price Index
You can now understand the cost of daily essentials. Did you know that commodity cost inflation is determined by just two commodities you know, onions and red chilies. Maybe not chili, huh.
- CCTV Monitoring
You need to know that currently, many 6,600 CCTVs have been installed, the purpose of which is to track all tasks in Jakarta.
- Street Lights
Around 9,000 traditional street lamps in Jakarta have been replaced with LED lamps, saving 50 percent of energy use. The level of exposure information can be corrected to the state of the surrounding area.
- Air Contamination
This is one of the problems in Jakarta. Currently there are six broadcast channels in Jakarta. Now, by using this technology we can study the air demand in Jakarta.
- Health Services
This technology allows you to know the availability of beds in hospitals. Not only that, but you can also follow the presence of an ambulance belonging to the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government.
- Street Vendor
Now you have to understand that Jakarta is a “paradise” for street vendors. You will find information on street vendors in Jakarta.
Before you plan a trip to Jakarta, be sure to read more about Jakarta and Indonesia by visiting Wonderful Indonesia.